Important information about fire alarms

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Important information about fire alarms

California State Fire Marshal Information Bulletin 14-007 September 4, 2014

Updated Smoke Alarm Requirements For Consumers/End Users:

1. Existing installed operable/in working condition smoke alarms are NOT required to be replaced.

2. For all dwelling units intended for human occupancy for which a building permit is issued on or after January 1, 2014, for alterations, repairs, or additions exceeding one thousand dollars ($1,000), the permit issuer shall not sign off on the completion of work until the permittee demonstrates that all smoke alarms required for the dwelling unit are devices approved and listed by OSFM.

3. By January 1, 2016, owners of a dwelling unit intended for human occupancy in which one or more units is rented or leased shall install additional smoke alarm, as needed, to ensure that smoke alarms are located in compliance with current building standards. Existing alarms installed need not be replaced unless the alarm is inoperable.

For other questions relating to this new law or the placement of the devices, please contact your local enforcing agencies. For more information please visit our website

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